Civil Process Service Status Check
Optionally select a specific precinct constable
All Constables
Constable Precinct One
Constable Precinct Two
Constable Precinct Three
Constable Precinct Four
Enter a cause number -OR- name for your search
Cause Number
Last or Business Name
First Initial (Optional)
Search Help
This information is offered for the convenience of the general public. All executed officer returns are filed in the court of issuance.
The 'All Constables' option searches constable service data for precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Visit the 'Constable Precinct 5' page to search for Civil Process data for that precinct.
Data -- As of November 1, 2017, data is live; you will see new data as soon as it is entered.
Cause number: To search by partial cause number, enter at least four characters.
Name: To search by partial name of plaintiff/petitioner or defendant/respondent enter at least three characters. If you are searching for a name with only two characters, either enter a first initial in the corresponding field, or enter a comma. (Example: Xi,)
First Initial (Optional): If you choose to use this field to limit the number of results, be sure to enter the entire last name in the name field.
Do not use wildcards; they are not supported.